Jan 29 2008

Score Board Comparison

Published by at 2 20 am under Dry Embossed Projects

Four months ago I didn’t even know a score board existed. Today I own two of them — the Scor-Pal and the Scor-It, and I’ll tell you, I’ll never again be without one. As far as I am concerned a score board is every bit as essential to the card maker and paper crafter as is a paper cutter. I have had about 3 months experience with the Scor-Pal and about a month with the Scor-It. Both boards do essentially the same thing — score and straight line emboss paper — but they just function in different ways to accomplish this.


The Scor-Pal is a board with numerousgrooves right in the board. You lay your paper on the board, select the groove you want,and run the scoring toolalong the groove. It presses a groove, or embossed or scored line, in your paper, the embossed side being on the underside and the debossed, or dented side, being on top as you are pressing into the groove.


The Scor-it is a board that has one center rail on which you score, or emboss. It is a metal rail that is raised up a bit higher than the board. When you lay your paper on the board you then run your scoring tool along this raised rail. The tool has a groove in it, so as it passes along the rail the paper on top of the rail is left raised, or embossed, leaving the scored line, or embossed line on the top of the paper, with the debossed, or dented in side, on the underside.


Scor-Pal: Measures 12 7/8 x 14 1/4″, weights exactly 1 #, is completely plastic, has 4 rubbery feet, has a plastic scoring tool that snaps into the frame of the board for safe keeping when not in use.

Scor-it: Measures 12 3/8 x 13 3/8″, weighs 3# 7 oz., is mostly plastic but the bed/table is much thicker than the Scor-Pal, accounting for the extra weight, has 6 rubbery feet, has a wooden scoring tool that is attached to the board with a chain. The rail that you actually emboss on is metal. There is also a metal stop guide that you can easily attach which you would use if you were mass producing an item anddoing repeated scores on the same mark.

Ruler Markings/Bed/Function

Scor-Pal: The table where you lay your paper is plastic and has a raised fence on the top where the ruler is and the sides, and the idea is that you push your paper up into the corner, hold it with one hand (it can’t move because of the raised fence), and score with the other. The grooves basically go in 1/2″ increments, with some additionalgrooves for common scores required by card makers (4 1/4, 2 1/8 , etc.,as well as markings for the 1/3 points on an 11″ sheet).There are additional ruler markings,without grooves, for the 1st inch and the last 1/2 inch of the ruler. As long as you are doing scoresusing standard and common measurements, you push your paper into the corner and score on your desired mark. And as long as you want to score on the standard measurements that have grooves, you can score multiple scores onone sheet without movingthe sheet. If you want to score on an increment not accounted for on the board, you do some quick math in your head, and move the paper out from the left edge, pulling it away from the fence. If you want to score at 5 3/4, you would pull your paper away from the left edge and line it up with the 1/4″ mark, then you would score on the 6″ groove (6 minus 1/4 = 5 3/4).

Scor-it: The table where you lay your paper is rubbery, so once you position your paper where you want it, it won’t move one bit. There is only one place on this board to score, and that is on the metal rail right in the center. The ruler, which has all standard ruler markings, measures out in both directions from center, centering being 0. It is very easy to find center on any size piece with the ruler running in both directions from center. To score 2″ from an edge, you merely place your edge on 2″ and score. If you want your next score at 4″, move your paper to the 4″ marking and score again, etc. Your paper must be moved for each score. The non-slip surface makes this very easy. There is a fence on the top along the ruler edge to butt your paper up against. There are no fences along the sides, allowing you to use any size paper and have your paper extend over the edges as you place it where needed. You can score at any increment desired, just place your paper edge at that ruler marking. Also, on the rail where you run the scoring tool, it is notched up into the ruler, allowing you toget your tool up above the paper so you never miss that very top portion as you begin your score.


Information taken from the product packaging:

Scor-Pal: “When possible, always score with the grain of the paper to avoid cracking. This is very important when using textured or heavy weight card stock.”

Scor-it: “Score with or against the paper grain. It can handle up to 24 pt board. It will also score thin metals, plastics, synthetic and hand-made papers, metallic coated papers and much more!”

The following are results from tests I did with papers I had at home:

Standard Cardstock: Both scored equally as well.

Mirrored Metallic Cardstock: Both scored equally as well.

Backing Board from SU 12 x 12 DP package: The Scor-Pal score was light, but suitable. The Scor-it score was noticeably deeper.

Thin Chipboard Coaster: I had problems with the Scor-Pal. The scoring tool would not follow the groove well, it wanted to run off track. It seemed to follow better in one direction than the other. The score was effortless and perfect with the Scor-it.

I wish I had metal to try, but I didn’t.

That pretty much wraps up the facts — hope I didn’t forget anything. If I did, just ask and I’ll see if I know. If anyone reading this has comments or any experience they care to share, those comments are welcome. The sole purpose of this post is to answer questions that readers have had about both these score boards. Which board anyone might choose will depend on their needs and preferences.

Hope those of you considering a score board will find this helpful!!! As always, thanks for stopping!!!

Editing to Add: The question I have been repeatedly asked these last few weeks is if I could only keep one, which would it be. I see that has come up again in the comments, so just let me say, it’s a decision I don’t have to make, and I’m glad for that. Both of these score boards live happily, side by side, in my stamp room. I use them both every day. I have the best of both worlds. There are2 major differences I see here, and each of you must decide for yourselves what is important to YOU and the way YOU work.

The ruler — do you want to have the convenience of scoring within the grooves on the standard measurements; or do you prefer the flexibility of moving your paper to the exact position you need on a well marked ruler. The answer to this, in large part, will depend on the type of work you do most often.

The item being scored — do you strictly use standard cardstock, or do you venture off into other projects requiring some more non-standard or heavier materials?

I can not and will not endorse one product over the other — like I’ve said before, it’s like being asked which child is your favorite — you don’t have a favorite child — you love them each for what they are!!! I love both my score boards and I know you’ll be happy with which ever one you choose!!!

Both boards are available for purchase at The Stamp Simply Ribbon StoreScor-It, Scor-Pal.  Both boards are available in 2 sizes.

70 responses so far

70 Responses to “Score Board Comparison”

  1. Jan Scholl says:

    I love both my Scor-its! I have the big one and the baby one that fits in my bag. I gavea bunch of the small ones as gifts last fall-just because they were so cute and easy to use.

  2. cassie says:

    Thank you for this comparision – I want one of these and this will certainly help me decide which one. But I’m curious – if you could only keep one, which would it be? If you keep both, which do you think you will use more?

  3. Sue B says:

    I have the Scor It. I had no idea how it functioned until it arrived. I thought it was a small version of the Scor Pal. My question is difficult for me to know exactly how to ask it. I’m not home at the moment so I don’t have the Scor It to look at to help me ask. But I guess it’s this – the only thing I was disappointed in was the length of the score I can make. When I made this card:


    I had to guess where to begin the score when the cardstock was turned to the 11″ side. I’m probably being a dummy (don’t know what other word to use) but have you encountered this? Although you would most likely do long scores on your Scor Pal. Sue

    Hi Sue — I can only assume if you can’t make long scores that you have the smaller version — check the measurements of my Scor-It listed above — is that the size you have? I would guess not. I have never seen or personally used the smaller version, though I would like to. Let me know — Thanks –Sharon

  4. Susan says:

    Thank you very much Sharon for your detailed and thoughtful comments on the two scoring boards. I would like to have one, but am undecided STILL on which one…big smile, I do use odd papers in my work so sounds like it might be a consideration. Have you tried any of the fancy folded thingy’s (Dahlia Fold) with either of these? Thanks very kindly for your opinion.

    Hi Suan – Well, I’ve never done the Dahlia Fold like on yesterday’s challenge, but I just looked up the instructions. It appears to me you are still scoring only a single thickness of cardstock???? Any fancy fold on cardstock would be easy to do on either board assuming it is a single thickness of regular cardstock. Did anyone out there use their board on yesterday’s Dahlia Fold Challenge? If so, please chime in – Sharon

  5. Phyllis Rollins says:

    Very insightful Sharon, thanks. I would only add that I’ve been using my Score-It for about 2 years. I make wedding invitations, and I don’t know how I ever got along with out it.When you’re making 75 or 100 crisp, clean, perfectly folded cards, you know it’s a winner. No lumps, bumps, or wrinkles.

  6. Janine says:

    Thanks Sharon… I have a Scor-Pal at home and use a Scor-It at work and find they each have their own benefits.

  7. Maggie says:

    An alternate for those who cannot afford either or don’t want to add another piece of equipment yet. I take my green paper cutter, which has a an opening or groove on the cutting line for the blade, and instead run a bone ruler down it. Not an extravagent solution, but for a casual card maker, it gets the job done!

  8. Jerri Jimenez says:

    Sharon, thanks for taking the time to write up a comparison between the two score boards. I have the Scor Pal and love it, but for odd embossing, I have been using my Fiskars cutter. I’ve been wondering about the Scor It, and I think after reading your article, I am going to purchase it. I agree with you that both have their own unique features that are very helpful to a card maker/scrapbooker and I can see why a person would need two. I also feel that way about my die cutters, I love both my Cuttlebug and the Wizard. I can’t live without either. You’re the queen of diplomacy! Great answer regarding which you prefer, I’m going to steal your analogy next time I get asked a question of preference.

  9. Deb says:

    Why do you need these items? Friskars paper cutters come
    with both a cutting blade and a scoring blade.
    Is there a benefit that these do that the scoring blade wont do?

    Hi Deb – Again, this would be a matter of preference. Personally, I have never cared much for the type of cutter, or scorer, that runs on a track — the paper has more of a tendency to slide — for me anyway — but the only one I have is the portable Fiskars version — it’ll do in a pinch — but it is my very last choice. I like being able to lay my paper down on a bed where it is held firmly in place and I can see measurements. I find a score board to be much easier to use and much more accurate. I guess, too, it would depend on how often you score. I stamp and score every day of my life, so it’s important to me to have tools that make my work as easy as possible. I am sure many are very happy with the Fiskars, and similar, cutters/scorers. Again, just a matter of preference. And I do believe you are limited to the thickness of what you are scoring with the Fiskars type??? – Sharon

  10. Dawn E. says:

    Wow Sharon! This was so awesome of you to do up a comparision! I only own a Scor-Pal which I picked up a few months ago. I admit I don’t use it too often though. When making boxes I pull it out. After seeing you do dry embossing, I do that now too!
    I’m thinking I will have to find a Scor It now…why not have both right?! LOL!
    Thanks again, I know everyone appreciates your input!

  11. Angie says:

    Thank you so much, Sharon, to taking the time to do this thorough comparison. I don’t yet own a scoring board, but I have been leaning toward one of these. The details in your review confirmed which one I want. Thank you!

  12. Lisa C. says:

    outstanding comparison. You did a fantastic job of weighing both the pros and the cons of each board. I have a scor-it now, but I am seriously considering the score pal and having both like you do. I loved your comparision.

  13. Marcia Luisa says:

    I have been following your blog for the past three to four months, love your work and your attention to detail, no matter how simple and uncomplicted your project may be… and your explanations are so easy to follow.
    Now, this article has been very straight forward, and very clear. I had been on the fence concerning purchasing one of these, could not see the importance and or justify the expense (on a budget), but now I will be including it in the list of must have for the near future. Thanks.

  14. Joyce says:

    The MINI Score-It that I tested did NOT work well for me; I couldn’t keep the notched wooden tool on the metal rail. Perhaps the full-size version has a better notch in the tool or a taller rail.

    I bought a Score-Pal, and it works well every time on all my cardstock. I don’t do chipboard…

    Hi Joyce – I have never had a problem with the scoring tool on my Scor-it. It goes into the groove and slides over whatever I put under it effortlessly, every time. Sorry you are having problems — I have also never used the Mini Scor-it. I have however, worn out my Scor-Pal scoring tool. The pointed end has become very blunt, making it difficult to use, but they do have replacement score tools available, so that is a good thing! – Sharon

  15. Kelley H. says:

    Great review…thanks you for taking the time to write this up! It sounds like I need one of these products after seeing all your beautiful scored cards!! Archiver’s sells the Score Pal and I do have a 30% off coupon….hhhhhmmmmm. I wonder……?? Off I go!!

  16. Thank you so much for that super helpful tutorial!! Even though you didn’t endorse one over the other, you did help me to make a desicion as to which one i will be purchasing. You rock, and thank you so much for stopping by my blog!!

  17. Jen says:

    Thank you so much for all your hard work in putting this comparison together. I think I am going to add one of these to my Birthday wish list now!

  18. Libby says:

    Thanks for taking the time to do this Sharon! Very interesting info. I still haven’t pulled my Scor-Pal out of it’s packaging… I know, I’m committing a serious crime…! 🙂

  19. I love the review and your way of allowing others to try and test and meet their needs. I would LOVE to get a copy of that brochure about scoring. Hope that you can find a way to post it for everyone, but I would be open to just getting a forwarded copy ;^)

    Scoring well IS key to professional looking work, for sure!

    Thank you for all your hard work. I really value your blog.

  20. Zanne says:

    Thanks for this summary, Sharon! Your opinions are very well laid out – and, I think I will buy a Score Pal to try, now!

    I purchased a Scor-It about 2 years ago, and have never regretted it. I like to line my cards with vellum, and the Scor-It makes a perfect score every time, on every material I have thrown at it, regardless of grain. It works splendidly for multiples. I am math challenged, and the centering ruler helps me tremendously, as does the fact that the scoring tool is always attached to the board with a chain. That means it doesn’t grow legs and sneak off when my back is turned!
    I also have another scoring board that no one seems to have referenced – this is the link

    and I like it as well as the Scor-It, for different reasons, and I use it for different purposes. It travels well in my bag, as it is thin enough to slip in with my paper. I also have the mini Scor-It, which I use for those times when I have a smaller piece of cardstock and am not doing multiples. It has a smaller footprint, but is still thick.


  21. Zanne says:

    I note the link did not show in my comment – this is the url to copy and paste:



  22. Juliana says:

    VERY informative–and I am glad that you DIDN’T choose between your children–since everyone works differently!
    I have food for thought–especially since I am sure this purchase is MONTHS away for me.

  23. Debbie From Buffalo, NY says:

    Hi Sharon – Thanks so much for taking the time to compare the Scor-It vs. the Scor-Pal. I recently purchased one of these items and I didn’t know the other existed. Not sure that would have changed my purchase, but it would have been nice to have your comparison first. Thanks for sharing your fabulous work and comments. Keep up the great work! Debbie from Buffalo, NY

  24. Barb S. says:

    First….Beautiful Card!!(but duhhh did I think there would be anything different than that? no!!) Second, I was at Archivers one day and used the larger Score It to make a “freebie” and it sold me as I have a hard time getting that middle fold of the card in the right spot. I did however only purchase the “mini” as it was cheaper and I thought I wouldn’t need it for anything bigger. WRONG!! Now I have seen so much with the Scor Pal that I “need” one of those and (heh! heh!) NEED the larger Scor IT!! I at first didn’t think the operator was working when my tool would slip off the metal rim…figured it was the machine…(nope) I just kept working at it and I use it every time I make a standard card…but now I have ventured into the 5″Sq. so there’s the need for the larger ones! (note: notice the “s” on the end of “one”!!lol
    Thanks for the tips…makes me sure I need both brands…can’t choose!!

  25. Barbara V says:

    Love your blog…it is one of my morning stops!
    I too have both of these…have had the Scor-It for quite a while, but ‘needed’ the Scor-Pal as well. I would love to read the brochure from Scor-It. It really helps to understand the materials with which we work!


  26. mmarisa (whiterockmama) says:

    Wow, GREAT review and very well written (must be the legal asst. side of you coming out LOL. Careful or you will have another sideline job writing commentaries on products 🙂 In my impatience I went and got a Scor-Pal for my b-day and am just starting to use it. Would love to check the Scor-it out some time too. Thanks for taking the time to write out such an awesome comparison and so diplomatically too – you are the best.

  27. nancy littrell says:

    OMG Sharon…..you are the best 🙂 This has been one of the most informative and helpful tutorials I have yet come across. I have neither scoring tool, but will soon be ordering. I have not decided which yet, but will start with one and eventually get both. Thank you, thank you for your very thoughtful and informative descriptions. BTW, I also read every response, which was also very helpful. Thanks again, Nancy

  28. Jamie Wilcox says:

    Great comparisons! There’s another one out there that I just got and so far, it’s been great. It’s the Crafter’s Companion and Enveloper. Course I’m a newbie when it comes to score boards, but I agree, I wouldn’t like to be without one. If you ever try this one I’d be interested to know what you think. I really love reading your product reviews. I figure if it good for you, it darn sure would be good for me! =)

  29. Shelly says:

    Mine is on backorder, you guys have done an awesome job promoting them I guess!

  30. Barbara says:

    Joyce said the scorer was wearing out on your Scor-Pal. Did you turn it over and look on the back? Mine has a “spare” scorer.

    Hi Joyce — thanks!!! But no such luck for me!!! No hidden spares — LOL!!! But perhaps the rest of you should check!!! That would surely be a nice surprise!!! — Sharon

  31. Lynda says:

    Thanks for the comparison- Your blog is the best!- One of the reasons I bought the Scor-Pal was that I could do multiple scores without moving my card with certain cards we make which I couldn’t do with Scor-it- If you have any input on the company I would love to see them use contrasting numbers so they can be seen better by some of us visually impaired!

  32. Diana Crick says:

    The original Scor-Pal had smaller numbers…gosh my technical guys are young, what can I say. A number of people asked for larger numbers and in our second production run we increased their size so they are now much easier to read. They actually “Pop”.
    There will soon be a new link on the Scor-Pal web site called Basics. The link is there but it is not active yet. Here you be able to find all sorts of information as to how to tell the paper grain, envelope sizing charts, nugget box sizing using your Scor-Pal etc etc
    If you are familiar with the heavy textured Bazill stock, the heavier weight SU Paper and 110 lb stock, all these score like butter. Scor-Pal also scores vellum and acetate. I have never tried the metal sheets. If you have any other Scor-Pal questions feel free to go to our Member Forum on SCS.

    Thanks Sharon for the great comparison.
    Diana Crick

  33. Thank you so much for the comparison. Based on my needs, the score-it is what I want since I want the versatility of varying the length between my score lines. I really appreciate your comparison, because that was my only concern about ordering the Scor-Pal. Honestly, sometimes I just don’t want to do the math in my head!!!!

    Thanks so much
    – Marie

  34. Kym says:

    I would love to see the brochure on the Scor-It. I am so glad that I was directed to this site. I have been debating for months on which one to get, as I only have room and funds for one at this point. Your comparison has been a great help.



  35. Deb Neerman says:

    Hi Sharon:

    Great (and v-e-r-y) diplomatic review of both products!

    I own the original Scor-It and have never regretted my decision. The more I learn about the boards that are constructed entirely from plastic, the happier I am about owning the Scor-It.

    I’d love to see the brochure you received from Mr. Hammonds, at Scor-It.

    Thanks a bunch!

  36. Cindy Alley says:

    Thanks for the great comparison – I too own both, and find I use them for different reasons at different times (Or sometimes because that one is the one I can find right then 😉 I do find sometimes my Score-It seems slightly off of center, no matter how carefully I line up my paper. I was curious whether others had noticed this.

    I would love a copy of the paper brochure, if you are wiling to send it to me.


    –Cindy in State College PA

  37. Cyndi - Dreams Unltd says:

    My thanks as well for such a great summary! I’ve been trying to decide as well, and your summary made my decision for me. Of course I’ll probably end up with both in the long run, but need to get one soon! *LOL*

    I’d love to see the brochure if you’d please send it to me!


  38. Alice Segura says:

    I have a regular Scor-It and love it. It has qwerks, but then what doesn’t? If the card stock is rather thick it may crack when bent, “IF” I would remember to use Paper Glide it never happens. I think thicker paper just gets too dry here in the desert. Taking time and being slow and precise when placing the wood tool is the trick.Trying to get a perfect center score on an A2 is pretty near impossible because I’ve learned that not all paper is perfectly square or exactly the size marked. If after folding my card there is a sliver showing, I just trim it off. I don’t know of anyone who measures a card they receive to check the size.
    The Scor-Pal has too many groves and keeping track of the math would drive me nuts. I know better than to think I will be making boxes; cards, collages, ATCs, Inchies, swaps and just friend & family cards keeps me busy enough. Thanks for posting the comparison, I will now stop picking up the Scor-Pal every time I go to the craft store. (Now maybe I’ll get the mini Scor-It instead.)

    Alice in Phoenix, AZ

  39. renae says:

    Thanks so much, would very much appreciate it if you would email me the scoring brochure.
    Renae Harris

  40. Jimi Fiedler says:

    What wonderful reviews. Thanks for sharing them. I, too, own both. I tend to use the Scor-pal more frequently because I tend to make my cards standard size. However, I will not give up my Scor-It. You never know when you’ll be needing it!

    Would you mind e-mailing the brochure to me if you get the time? Thanks again.

  41. Elizabeth says:

    Very informative! I have done a lot of online comparisons between the scor-pal and the scor-it and your post gives the most objective information on the two.

  42. Mel M. M. M. says:

    Fantastic review. Thanks for sharing all of your knowledge! :O)

  43. Sandy O says:

    Fantastic comparison, thank you for doing it. I also have both the Scor-pal and the mini Scor-it. I find I use the scor-pal much more, but I do like them both, also, for different reasons.

    I would love the information sent to you if you could email it to me that would be great. :^)

  44. Sandra Douma says:

    Hi, thanks so much for this comparasion
    I think that I will get the Scor-it, as well because I can get it in centimeters instead of inchs (I am brazilian and I live in Netherlands, both countries with metric system)

    I would love to receive the brochure as well, thanks 🙂

    Sandra Douma

  45. Dawn says:

    A great source for metal to test is aluminum cans from soda (or other beverages if you like LOL)! They are very easily cut with scissors and I found they even help in sharpening the edge on dull scissors somewhat. I poke the tip into the can at the top where it starts to taper in and cut around then slit down the length of the can and around the bottom. You can neaten up the edges after the piece is flat. Another hint….These work wonderfully in embossoing folders too! I am currious as to how the 2 scoring tools will work with metal.

  46. Juli Smith says:

    Thank you for this comparison. I had read one other site, but it didn’t give near the amount of factual info on each product, including the actual “how to use” them. Though I do enjoy reading personal opinions, the facts are my first line of info in my decision-making. Again, great job on teh comparison!

  47. bluemoon says:

    Thanks for this informative article. I have never seen either one in real life. I love your white card where you scored the bottom with horizontal lines to look embossed and then used the embossing folder to do the top of card, separating with ribbon, it made me want one of these scoring tools. While I must currently use my paper cutter scorer for my cards, like the person mentioned above, there is no way that you can make this embossed look of lines with the blade scorer on the cutter.

    I am wondering if either of the scoring boards has a centering ruler on it? I find paper is not all specific, and I often get a very teeny tiny edge of difference. Centering rulers are very helpful to me in regular use, I’d love to see it on a scor board.

    Also wondering what type of paper cutter you would recommend for cardstock. I am beyond fed up with a certain brand, having the more portable 12″ one, as well as the wheel blade one, neither of which can cut anything straight. Thanks :)))

  48. Sara Fink says:

    Please send me the attachment from Tim Hammonds.

    Thank you,

    [email protected]

  49. Debbie says:

    I would love to have the brochure also. I am a newbie at card making and could really use the expertise to help make my cards better looking. And thanks for doing the review on the Score-it and Scor-Pal.

    And…have you ever tried the Crafters Companion and if so, what did you think of it?

  50. Bonnie says:

    THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH. I have the Scor-it and have had it for 5 months. I was afraid to open it, thinking I might have made the wrong choice. I looked at it tonight and again started to open it and stopped. I did a google search on the 2 score tools and came to your post. A GREAT one at that. I just want to say thank you very much. I am now going to open my Scor-it(the large one) and give it a permanent home. 🙂
    Thanks again.


  51. Linda says:

    Sharon- your comparison is just what I needed. I don’t own either at the moment but had planned on buying one right off. I think I know the one that I need to start with. I’m quite sure eventually I will own both. Could you please email me the brochure also. Thank you so much for taking the time and being so honest, I could never choose one of my children over the other either. Best Wishes

  52. Mary says:


    I would greatly appreciate if you could email me the brochure from Tim Hammonds on the making of paper. Thanks!

  53. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for sharing this info. I also have both. I got the scor-it first and love it. But then I heard people talking about the scor-pal and bought one. Thanks again for putting this all out on paper.


  54. Bonnie says:

    Thank you for sharing this info. I also have both. I got the scor-it first and love it. But then I heard people talking about the scor-pal and bought one. Thanks again for putting this all out on paper.


  55. Donna says:

    Hi Sharon! What an awesom job comparing the two score tools.I know that was said already wasn’t it.

    We did a comparisson trial at a recent class using all three score tools mentioned in your comments. The Fiskars trimmer and scorer, Scor~it and Score Pal.

    The results were, my girls preferred the Scor~it for the depth and crispness of the score line, with Score~Pal being second. They would buy either one of those. The Fiskars was their least favorite and they all decided they would use the bone folder rather than buy the Fiskars. I do not promote any of these items, but just giving you a non scientific result using the different tools. I agree with other commenters, that the sturdy metal rail, and non slip surface, and easy measurement guide (you can see where the middle is instead of having to do math) has me using the Scor~it more often. I hope this helps others in making a decision!

  56. Gail Spence says:

    Please. oh please, if you could send me (email) Tim Hammond’s brochure on paper grains, etc, I will share with my friends! You have NO idea how badly I need it!

    Thank you so much!!!!

    Gail Spence

    “Tim Hammonds, who is the man behind the Scor-it, just sent me an email attaching a very interesting brochure that explains a lot about the making of paper, paper grain, testing for paper grain, hinge scores, letterpress scores, and why proper scoring is so important to achieve a professional looking result. I found the brochure very interesting and helpful and I learned a lot. I am trying to attach it here – but I’m not so sure the attachment will work — please bear with me as I’m trying to figure this out. – OK, my attachment is not working — trying to fix it — sorry — OK — I am obviously not able to get this attachment to work — if anyone wants this info, just say so and I’ll email it to you — no problem. Thanks!”

  57. Rhea Henshaw says:

    I have neither of these right now , but have been wanting to get a score pal for some time . I had not heard of the scor-it till now and would luv to learn more about it. Would you send me Tim Hammonds brochure on proper scoring. Thanks Rhea Henshaw

  58. Sandra says:

    Thank you for taking the time to do the comparison on both these items. I would love to read the brochure Tim Hammonds sent you if you still have it.

  59. Barb says:

    Great job on the comparison. I’ve useda Scor-It at Archiver workshops and found I have a tendency to rip the paper when scoring because of applying too much pressure. I have the Score-Pal at home and it is used everytime I make a card which is daily. I love to use it for making lots of score lines on the front of a card, too. I would not want to be without my Score-It.

  60. Becky says:

    I just found your website and was very impressed with your comparison. I was actulally on line trying to find info on the Scor-it when I saw your blog.

    You gave me just the info I was looking for. I now feel my decision for the score board is the right one.

    Now I just have to find a store in my area that carries it.

    I, too, would love to have the info from Scor-it on paper making.

    Thanks so much!

  61. I think I would love the Score-it, but there is no store within 90 miles of my house. Is there anywhere else, like on the Internet where I can buy one of these boards? I tried e-bay and Amazon, but they only have the baby board and I need one to handle 12 x 12 paper and card stock. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, Dottie

  62. Fannie Speer says:

    Please send me the Scor It brochure.


  63. Wilda Cogar says:

    Hi Sharon, I have the regular ScorePal and would like to know if you ever bought the mini ScoreIt. I don’t think I want the big ScoreIt since I have the other but make alot of cards & am debating on the 2 mini’s. Can you send me Tim’s info or any info relating to the mini’s. Thanks 🙂

  64. renee oneill says:

    I have been looking to purchase one of these boards for a few months now, but was hesitant because of the price. I didn’t realize there was actually a difference between the two. Thanx so much for all the info and for everyone else with their opinions. You uys really helped me out with my choice. Thanx again…

  65. Bea Redd says:

    Thank you for posting this information.

    I currently own the Scor-Pal and I do love it for making standard cards. However, I did not find it very useful when I was making a project that required folds on the 3/8″, 5/8″ and/or 7/8″ marks or any other mark that was not in 1/2″ or 1/4″ increments and that is why I am searching for a new score board.

    I anticipate your input on these two products. I will think about the Score-It board but I think I saw a Martha Stewart board somewhere that works like the Scor-Pal but with all the increments.

    Again, thank you.

  66. Some unseen fingers,like an idle breeze,are playing upon my heart

  67. I have neither of these right now , but have been wanting to get a score pal for some time . I had not heard of the scor-it till now and would luv to learn more about it. Would you send me Tim Hammonds brochure on proper scoring. Thanks Rhea Henshawphoto thank you cards

  68. […] Using a Score Board gives you crisp, professional folds.  I use a Score Board on every card I make to score the center fold and making boxes with the use of a Score Board is a breeze.  It’s also fun for straight line embossing.  If you aren’t using a Score Board, I highly recommend adding one to your aresenal of tools!  I carry boards in two sizes by both Scor-It and Scor-Pal.  If you are not familiar with Score Boards, these two boards work differently.  Here’s a post I wrote years ago discussing the differences. […]

  69. carbon fiber says:

    Nice post, keep up with this interesting work.

  70. […] No Time To Stamp? » Score Board ComparisonJul 21, 2010 … I recently got the chance to try out the Martha Stewart Scoring Board and it is quickly becoming one my favorite tools! What is a scoring board … […]

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